Saturday, September 05, 2009

A Hindu devotee listens to a robot fortune teller at the Magh Mela fair in Allahabad, India

A Hindu devotee listens to a robot fortune teller at the Magh Mela fair in Allahabad, India. The Danger of Attending Fortune-Telling Assemblies Those who go to fortune-tellers to ask them about the future without truly believing in their falsehoods and without having the slightest intention of disclosing their falsehood to the public. People in this group are sinful and their prayers are not accepted for forty days. Those who believe in the prophecies of the fortune-tellers and go to ask them about the future. These people are regarded as disbelievers since they deny the truthfulness of the Qur'an: 'Say: None in the Heavens and the Earth Knows the Ghaib (Unseen) except Allah.' (27: 65)