Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Saleswomen in a Showroom in Saudi Arabia

Islamic way of life can be summarised in three words 1) Din (religion), 2) Dunya (Community), 3) Dawla (State / Society). Islamic Shariah covers all of these three aspects. From Islamic point of view, life is a unity. It cannot be divided into watertight compartments. Islamic Shariah gives directions to all aspects of life in their entirety. Islamic Shariah is a complete scheme of life and an all-embracing social order where nothing is superfluous and nothing lacking. Therefore there is no 1 separation between state and church. Islamic State is not a theocratic state. Secularism, in Muslims view, destroys the transcendence of all moral values. In Qur’anic words “those who forget God eventually forget themselves” (59:19) and their individual and corporate personalities disintegrate. Thus, Islam is considered the way of life in which, through voluntary submission to God, human beings find peace with themselves and their environment.