Saturday, September 05, 2009


POLICE ABUSE A 5 YEAR OLD TERRORIST (??) IN PALESTINE.. “A man once came to Umar Al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam, complaining of his son’s disobedience. Umar summoned the boy and spoke of his disobedience and his neglect of his duty to Father. The boy replied: ‘O Caliph! Has’nt a child rights over his father?’ ‘Certainly’, replied Umar. ‘What are they, Caliph?’ asked the boy. ‘That he should choose his mother, give him a good name, teach him the Book (the Quran)’, replied Umar. ‘Caliph! My father did nothing like this. My mother was a fire-worshipper. He gave me the name of Ju’alaan (meaning a dung beetle) and he did not teach me a single letter of the Quran’, the boy answered. Turning to the father, Umar said: ‘You have come to me to complain about the disobedience of your son. You have failed in your duty to him before he has failed in his duty to you; you have done wrong to him before he has wronged you.’ ” ISLAM GIVES CHILD RIGHTS 1400 YRS BEFORE..