Saturday, September 05, 2009

The Prophet (pbuh) has laid down the basis on which the marital relationship is established

The Prophet (pbuh) has laid down the basis on which the marital relationship is established. He (pbuh) has enjoined his followers to treat their wives well. He says: "I enjoin you to be good to your women." We cannot fulfill the prophet's instructions unless we establish a relationship with our wives on the basis of mutual care and kindness. The Prophet (pbuh) has highlighted the importance of taking good care of our women when he (pbuh) made that one of the three areas to which he has drawn our attention just before he (pbuh) passed away. He (pbuh) repeated these recommendations: "Attend regularly to your prayer. Do not charge your slaves with what they cannot bear. Fear Allah in your treatment of woman." With all this emphasis on taking good care of women, Islam has outlined certain rights and duties for both man and woman which must be honored. Both can claim equal rights against each other, except for those minor differences which are necessitated by the nature of their roles and the way they are created.