Saturday, September 05, 2009

An Athiest is a person who dosent believe in existance of God.. "And man saith:

An Athiest is a person who dosent believe in existance of God.. "And man saith: When I am dead, shall If orsooth be broughtforth alive ? Doth not man remember that We created him before, when he was naught" (Surah 19, verses 66,67) "Hath not man seen that We have created him from a drop of seed ? Yet lo! He is an open opponent. And he hath coined for Us a similitude, and hath forgotten the fact of his creation, saying: Who will revive these bones when they have rotted away? Say: He will revive them Who produced them at the first, for He is Knower of every creation " ( Surah 36, verses 77, 78,79).